Le Koncert: dimension of gesture
Sophia Schambeck, Caio de Azevedo, Hannes Mayer
La Kuisine: Semmelknödel with mushroom sauce
Eva Funk, Hannes Mayer
Le Koncert
Felix-Florian Tödtloff
La Kuisine: Lentil Curry
Claudio Näf
The Kiosk des arts is a new self-organized and self-managed community space for the people at Cité internationale des arts. It serves as a small mobile platform for projects and ideas that explore creative forms of participation and collaborative thinking on the premises of Cité.
The Kiosk is made from reclaimed furniture from Cité’s studios and materials donated by residents and is currently located in the lobby of Annex. It was conceived and built by artist and architect Eva Funk & Hannes Mayer during their residency in 2023.
Cité internationale des Arts, France, 2023